Redox Stasis
I started a nutritional balancing program with Aaron as my practitioner a year and a half ago, and the improvements have been amazing! I can’t even begin to list all the problems I was having before I found this program, but Aaron was optimistic from day one! Without a doubt, the most incredible results that I’ve seen in the time I’ve spent working with Aaron is the reversal of my antiphospholipid syndrome. Before finding Aaron and nutritional balancing, my antiphospholipid antibody levels were almost 3x what they should be. This meant that, even at the young age of 23, I had a very high risk of throwing a blood clot—a risk that could lead to stroke, heart attack, and repeated miscarriages, among other things. However, on my yearly check a couple of months ago, the antiphospholipid antibody test came back negative!! No antibodies could even be detected! I have so much less anxiety about my health since working with Aaron, and I now get to enjoy many more symptom-free days! He’s been the greatest advocate and such a pleasure to work with. I’d highly recommend him!”