Here I list some blood testing that I highly recommend to help with the hair analysis report. Hair analysis can also highlight upon the results of the blood tests listed below.

C-reactive protein


Vitamin D levels

ApoB or NMR Lipoprofile

Free and total testosterone— emphasis on free

Hemoglobin A1C

CBC (Complete Blood Count)

Insulin (insulin resistance and Glucose)

Cytokine Panel (Inflammation)

Glutathione (Master Detoxifier)

Oxidized LDL

Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (““Conditions with low SHBG include ovarian cysts, diabetes, and hypothyroidism. Conditions with high SHBG include pregnancy, hyperthyroidism, and anorexia. There has recently been research to link high SHBG levels with breast and testicular cancer as well.”” LIfe Extension)

Granted all of these are not required but can be very informative.