Mitochondria Bio-genesis
The mitochondria is your energy powerhouse ... therefore its very important to take care of! The information I have here is from life extension in regards to the benefits of PQQ!!
"It would be difficult to overstate the dramatic impact this has on the entire body, especially the brain. Mitochondria are responsible for converting the food we eat into the energy that powers cells to perform at peak function. Unfortunately, mitochondrial function declines with age. This decline has been linked to virtually all killer diseases of aging, including Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s." Cancer should be added to this list as well."- Life Extension
"An exciting human study has further demonstrated that PQQ supplementation improves mitochondrial function.16 A single dose of PQQ (equaling 13 mg for an average-sized adult) led to improved measurements of urinary oxidant levels (indicators of mitochondrial efficiency)."- Life Extension
"This team of scientists also evaluated the impact of a higher daily dose of PQQ supplementation after three days (equaling about 20 mg per day for an average-sized adult) and found that measurements of inflammation (such as C-reactive protein and interleukin-6) were decreased."- Life Extension
Researchers have found that PQQ can promote growth of new mitochondria!
PQQ Stimulates Nerve Growth Factor
"By stimulating the production and release of nerve growth factor in cells that support neurons,17 PQQ has been found to protect memory and cognition in aging animals and humans"- Life Extension
"These results were confirmed in a later study of healthy older rats. In this study, PQQ was found to boost the ability of older rats to learn new information and help the animals use that memory after a prolonged period. The researchers attributed this increase both to relief of oxidative damage and also to enhanced production of nerve growth factor." - Life Extension
Excito-Toxicity Protection
"Excessive glutamate stimulation of brain cells, or excitotoxicity, is a major factor in the development of long-term neurodegenerative disorders, stroke, and schizophrenia.33,34 Glutamate-induced excitotoxicity triggers undesired programmed cell death (apoptosis).
Fortunately, not only can PQQ help protect against the damaging effects of excitotoxicity, it can also help prevent it from occurring to begin with."- Life Extension
PQQ Protects from high Insulin/Glucose Brain Damage
"PQQ can help protect the brain against the damage caused by high blood sugar. When researchers exposed cells from brain blood vessels in the lab to high blood sugar concentrations, it resulted in high rates of cell death.42 However, when PQQ was added to the cells’ growth medium, it reversed the high-glucose damage, suppressed cell death, and reduced the production of dangerous reactive oxygen species."- Life Extension
PQQ and Amyloid Plaques
"When PQQ was applied to brain cells in culture, it showed impressive abilities to save and revive dying cells. PQQ reversed the toxicity of beta amyloid proteins, preventedthe death of brain cells, reduced oxidative damage caused by this malformed protein, and revived those cells that had begun to die."- Life Extension